Tuesday, 7 June 2022

Camino de Santiago 8 - Azofra to Villambistia (Electric wheelchair style)


Today was an easy day of good paths through open fields of mainly mixed cereals. These crops were accompanied by the cheery red poppies that dominated the verges along with the spiky teasels and odd pyramidal orchids

My wheels were proving more than capable for this journey. With the forward and backward movement of the Genny controlled by the your bodies position, distributing the weight and carrying essentials and supplies in a rucksack hooked on the back affects your centre of balance. My load is probably only about 7kg in a 26ltr rucksack with a sleeping bag hanging off the bottom, however I need to adjust the settings my move my seating position forward to counter the weight at the back

Beautiful cool Cathedral at Santo Domingo de la Calzada
The small towns of Ciruena, Santo Domingo de La Calzada, Granon, Viloria de la Rioja, Vilamayor del Rio and Belorado each have their own charm

I was travelling faster then most pilgrims on my wheels. These long easy sections make cruising comfortable and fast. I had started to cover about 40km a day which is a stretch for those on foot who would more commonly cover 20 - 30km a day. I did however meet several young men who claimed to had walked up to 75km in a day  

Many of the taller buildings have nesting cranes on their roofs

I stayed the night in a the tiny municipal Albergue San Roque in Villambistia. This was a lovely stop with friendly staff however I discovered in the morning that my wheelchair had been unplugged at some point in the night leaving me with less than full charge for the day ahead. The general etiquette on the Camino is lights out by 22:00 and vacate the place by 8:00 in the morning. Plugging my wheels back in and hanging about didn't go down to well. I wasn't actually thrown out but I only managed to stay till 8:30 before feeling less than welcome and left hoping I wouldn't run out of steam on the day ahead

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