Saturday, 26 January 2019

Tools for the job

I am always happier when I have the resources to repair whatever task I'm on. In my small zodiac inflatable boat I have tools for the spark plug, a screwdriver, a few spanners and a replacement starter cord. My van also has tools along with roadside assistance insurance. On Genny there is very limited room but I still carry a small but comprehensive toolkit. I researched what I needed and came up with the following solution

With a few alterations this great little tool kit covers most of the things you need to service and maintain your wheels. The Torx bits, the Allen keys and the sockets are great but I dumped the Philips head driver bits and larger Pozidrive  bits replacing them with high quality Snap-on Allen bits sized 1.5, 2.5, 3, 4, 5 & 6mm. This tiny tool kit is only 45 x 35 x 15cm and has room underneath the black insert to stash a couple of stay ties that can hold most things together at a last resort.Instead of carrying this in a backpack i have a tiny bicycle saddle holder that fits the toolkit like a glove
Using the built-in Velcro strap this fits neatly between the Genny side handle and the seat - how neat is that?
I have used this kit many times to remove covers, fix the tiny metal locator lug from the bottom of the lean-steer handle and even change a wheel with the 13mm socket. One thing I would say is don't attempt to use the tiny ratchet when applying force like removing a wheel as it is not up to it and you will bust it. Something I have recently ordered as an addition is some tiny tubeless tire plugs for punctures. These plugs are self-adhesive and vulcanising and will fix a thorn or nail puncture. I think they are also small enough to fit in the base of the toolbox but I will let you know Designed for bikes these plugs are a repair-on-the-road aid, they are very light and compact. I have not tried these yet but I have had issues with punctures and like the idea of this.If you are interested here are links to the various products I have used: ToolkitCaseTyre repair plugs

Saturday, 5 January 2019

Tyre troubles

For a while now I have had a slow leak on one of my wheels. Over Christmas things got a whole lot worse so I took the wheel into a local tyre service centre.
When they removed the wheel we discovered the tyre has a leak from the patch repaired in Antigue (see this post)

Unfortunately there was also an internal split (see above photo) which stopped the tyre shop from repairing the wheel leaving me with a one wheeled Genny for Christmas. They refused on safety grounds which is understandable

I hunted all the local tyre shops but they had nothing suitable directing me to motorbike shops. They were all closed so I wasted a whole day looking for a new tyre. In the end I got a bike tyre repair kit and made the repair myself - see above

I found replacement tyres on ebay at a great price so ordered a set that arrived yesterday. I fitted the new tyres to the rims and today will inflate at a garage and pray all works

I removed the old tyres using a few spanner handles as tyre levers. The new tyres are exactly the same tread and design but made by a different company. The size is 80/80-14 which is width (mm), height (mm as a % of tyre width) and rim diameter in inches. I later considered looking for slightly wider tyres which I think would protect the rims better as they are easily damaged. When refitting the wheels/tyres I will check if there is room for a wider tyre. Wider tyres are available but will not fit within the tight Segway mudguards
I also made a fibreglass repair to the Genny mudguard that got busted a while back

I'm aware this is turning into a "how to maintain your wheelchair" blog, but things will change soon as I am off to Antigua again next month for some sunshine