How nice to be up and running again. It took me about 2 hours to put Genny together again. I had intended to get the main Segway base unit shotblasted and protected by some kind of coating but I couldn't wait. As my wheels are frequently on the beach, the salty environment has tarnished the aluminium and some corrosion is apparent. I was going to apply the sort of coating you would use on alloy wheels but maybe next time eh?
The EO24 error has not occurred again and things are much less twitchy. I made several adjustments to the seating and footrest position so the ride is different but the steering has improved and it is easier to operate
I'm a lot happier with my wheels now. I feel better able to handle issues that may arise. I like the design of the Genny and it was great to discover that at the core of it is a perfectly ordinary Segway i2, if you can call a Segway ordinary
I am even OK with the Segway discontinuation of the i2 model and the release of the i2SE. From the various forums it seems not uncommon that a Segway goes around the clock. By that I mean there seem to be many Segways that have hit 9,999 miles and still working. I have also discovered that should my Segway give up on me it would be possible to install the updated i2SE with relative ease
At this point future adventures include a trip to Malta after Christmas and the Caribbean is also going to happen - more to follow...